Downloading files in torrent form is different from the regular downloading in terms of the process and speed. This article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of the Pokémon anime.WHAT'S THE MEANING? A file can be just about any type of file-commonly, but not limited to movies, games, applications, and songs.

Pokémon: BW Rivaliserende Lotsbestemmingen Home video releases North American DVD releases Main article: List of English language Rival Destinies home video releases (Region 1) Australian DVD releases Main article: List of English language Rival Destinies home video releases (Region 4) In other languages Language Piplup, Pansage, and a Meeting of the Times!Īsh, Iris, and Trip: Then There Were Three! Giovanni withdraws Team Rocket (including Jessie, James and Meowth) from Unova and returns to Kanto.Ash meets Giovanni for the first time since Mewtwo Returns.Dawn leaves the group to head to Johto to compete in the Wallace Cup.Ash and his friends meet Cameron, who joins the group.Trip defeats Ash in the final round, winning the Pokémon World Tournament Junior Cup.Ash defeats Iris and advances to the final round.

Trip advances to the final round after beating Cilan.Ash, Iris, Cilan, and Trip advance to the semi-finals after beating Geraldo, Dawn, Horatio, and Manning, respectively.Cilan, Ash, and Dawn also defeat their opponents and advance to the next round. Trip defeats Burgundy and Iris defeats Georgia, advancing to the next round.The Pokémon World Tournament Junior Cup takes place at Lacunosa Town with 16 participants.Dawn and Ash are reunited, Cilan and Dawn have a battle which ends in a tie.Dawn is revealed to be staying at Cynthia's villa in Undella Town.Iris has a battle with Cynthia which has no winner.Ash meets Cynthia again and Cilan and Iris meet her for the first time.Ash and his friends meet Roxie, the Virbank Gym's Gym Leader.The gang meets Brycen, the Gym Leader of Icirrus City.Ash and his friends meet Tepig's former Trainer.During the finals, Stephan beats Montgomery, becoming the Clubsplosion winner and earning a year's supply of Vitamins. In the semi-finals, Montgomery beats Ash and Stephan beats Bianca.

Ash, Montgomery, Stephan, and Bianca advance to the semi-finals, after beating Betty, Iris, Cilan, and Georgia respectively. Bianca defeats Trip and advances to the second round.Iris, Georgia, and Montgomery advance to the second round after beating Burgundy, Gail, and Delbert, respectively.Ash, Cilan, and Stephan advance to the second round after beating Angus, Flora, and Edmund, respectively.The Clubsplosion takes place at Ambiga Town with 16 participants.